May 24, 2012

Fishing Game for Kids

I like to make educational games for my son and I've come up with this magnet fishing game.
I draw a fish template on a paper and used it to cut 4 different colors of felt (here I chose yellow, red, orange and green). I sewed the inside, leaving a hole to turn the fish around. After turning into the right side, I filled each fish with pillow stuffing and put a nut inside.

I finish hand stitching the hole of each fish.

Hand stitch the hole after stuffing each fish

For the fishing pole I used a piece of bamboo, attached a piece of thread and made a "bag" containing a magnet inside.
The magnet will catch the nut inside the fish!

Piece of felt sewed with a magnet inside to catch the fish

Make sure that you're closing very well the magnet "bag", because you don't want to see your kid playing around with it.

I put the fishes into an empty container and my son played for the whole afternoon. The magnet and nuts (or screw) make a lot easier for toddlers who are still developing their motor skills.

Happy fishing,

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